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wow, this was intense! And the whole base feels surprisingly big and well furnished for a jam game :)


I genuinely found myself invested in this game and loving the use of different tools throughout it (radio, light-up board, etc.).

Great, unique game!


Loved the atmosphere, but i shitted my pants :(


Personally, I am always a fan when one or many creative individuals band together and produce a piece of art, especially an interactive experience. But, a video game always turns out better when created with love! So good news, because this title, "You Left Us" was very obviously created with a lot of love behind it! 


some might say, too much.


I will be playing this live, tomorrow 2/2 around 7 PM EST =D


This is a very well made game. I truly got scared when the lights when out and I thought there were things in the base.


great game!!!


Loved your commentary!! Thanks for playing and keep it up with the videos, you’ve got the makings of a pro streamer!


Very cool game. I love the eerie atmosphere and the suspense. Great job!

Absolutely amazing game well done


Super awesome game, really hope it gets the attention it deserves. I love horror games, especially with the PS1 kind of graphics style. Hope to see more from the makers! The lantern was annoying though not going to lie... Great job to the people who made it though!


I LOVED this. Excellent narrative that really brought feelings of isolation and hopelessness. I loved that the game didn't rely on cheap scares and really played into the creepiness and unease over anything else. 

My only complaint is that the game is far too dark without the lantern in most areas. I think it would have been a lot more effective to have a well lit bunker void of life where the lantern is only needed on a rare occasion. Sending the player into the darkness is a lot less creepy when every area is dark.


Thank you so much for the feedback, this is all of our first game and so we appreciate all the support and critique. Loved the video! :) 


Total run time is under an hour, doesn't wear out its welcome!


This game was great! the atmosphere is perfect and the lighting is amazing. great little game. sound design was on point.


I liked where the story went.


This game left me shaking in my boots! Without giving anything away it was the perfect balance of mystery and horror. Definitely recommend sharing this one with your friends! I’m eager to see what these folks make next.